I am your past

This art and science project, driven by the creativity and vision of four multilingual women artists, fosters a unique dialogue between the distant realms of Amazonia and the Antarctic. Utilizing a rich tapestry of letters, poetry, sound, and visual arts, we weave a narrative that bridges these two regions. Our collaboration with scientists deepens this exploration, aiming to enlighten both the mind and heart about the critical threats climate change poses to these vital, yet vulnerable, ecosystems. Their interconnected nature underscores their significance to the global environmental equilibrium.

This endeavor is realized in partnership with the prestigious Alfred-Wegener-Institute, enhancing the project’s scientific depth and reach.

A notable creation from this project is “I am your past – Chapter no.1”. This piece was specifically crafted for the inaugural Digitaler Wald, hosted by the Schader Stiftung, as a part of the 11th edition of the Internationaler Waldkunstpfad in 2022 in Darmstadt, Germany. This chapter not only represents a significant milestone in our journey but also underscores our commitment to blending art and science in addressing pressing global environmental issues.


Artists: Nina Bendzko, Elizabeth Lewis Williams, Ángela Posada-Swafford, Diana María Restrepo
Year: since 2022

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