During the first lock down due to the Covid 19 pandemic, Sandra Miranda Pattin and me both fled to the country side, but on two different continents. Sandra in Italy, outside of Florence; myself [...]
The name Humboldt first resonated with me in the botanical gardens of Germany, a memory that dates back to my childhood strolls with my father. It was there, amidst the tranquility, that I first [...]
Reforesting Art is an interdisciplinary laboratory created by German artist and filmmaker Nina Bendzko as a tribute to the 250th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt.
During the collaborative project “Letters to Leo Kopp” my artist friend Diana Restrepo and I started a valuable correspondence enriching our creative processes. Between Bogotá and Berlin. Back [...]
This performance reflects on the act of letting go, the long process it implies and the pain one must go through in order to detach oneself from the other. Performer: Sandra Miranda Pattin, Nina [...]
“Wiederspiegeln”, is a video live performance that makes part of a project where 12 artistas in 500m2 are “falling in scene”. Everyone writing a sculpture text in the air.